About Us
Our Vision
Our vision for Montana Center for Horsemanship is to continue to lead the way as one of the nation's leading equine education centers with natural horsemanship and education at our core. We are proud to be a horsemanship center for special events, attracting horsemen and horsewomen from all over the nation and around the world. We hope to become a place for students and scholars, visitors and scientists, professionals and amateurs, and all those who want to learn about horses, horsemanship and experience the rich history and culture of southwest Montana.
At the Montana Center for Horsemanship (MCH), we believe that every horse and person deserves a chance to make the most of their respective lives. Since its inception, the Montana Center has continued to offer a means for creating dynamic synergy among horsemen and horsewomen, teachers, trainers, scientists and all riding disciplines, working together to develop and advance the unique relationship between horse and human.

Our Mission
Our mission is to advance natural horsemanship education and to enable horses to learn more effectively through natural horsemanship; increasing their chance to experience a greater degree of ‘horse happiness.’
We aim to help horses and humans make the most of their respective lives and offer individuals a way to achieve academic, personal, professional and financial success in the equine industry that they’re passionate about.
It is our goal to help to perpetuate a defining tradition of the American West all while supporting and enriching both the greater Dillon community and Montana as a whole through new jobs, facilities, and other economic and cultural opportunities.
We promise to develop a unique synergy among professional and amateur horsemen and horsewomen, educators, scientists, and researchers to improve and expand horsemanship in the broadest sense of the term.
Partnership with UMW
The University of Montana Western is a public institution founded in 1893. The 20-acre campus is located in Dillon, a rural southwestern Montana town known as the “Horse Capital of the Northwest.” The average class size is 15 students with a total enrollment of 1,470 students. U.S. News & World Report rankings placed Montana Western among the best in the nation and second among "colleges that offer small classes on a budget." All of this amid some of the most inspiring mountain scenery and recreation the West has to offer.
Since its inception in 2011, the program has enjoyed incredible success, with hundreds of graduates from 30 states and three foreign countries, an 80% retention rate and the major with the some of the highest GPAs on campus. The Program is now in wide demand by students from across the United States. Currently, there are more than 106 Natural Horsemanship students enrolled in the four degree programs. Program students typically experience significant success post-graduation as well: 80% are employed directly or indirectly in the horse-world after graduation, or have matriculated to graduate school to further their studies.

The Montana Center for Horsemanship is set in the foothills of the Blacktail Mountain Range, a breathtaking natural setting in southwest Montana. The Center, located in the historic, thriving town of Dillon, is one of the region's top agricultural centers and offers some of the best outdoor recreational opportunities in Montana. Dillon is also sometimes known as the "horse capital of the Northwest." A key goal of the Center and its programs, is to support and enhance the equine community, as well as the community of Dillon, Montana, by helping to position the town as a business and recreation destination. Taking an active role in nurturing horsemanship and its long-standing western traditions, and encouraging young people to carry on those values, are also important components of the Center's mission.

Looking Forward
The enriching, innovative philosophy of the Montana Center for Horsemanship, with the University of Montana Western partnership, currently offers several academic degrees in Natural Horsemanship, including the 4-year, accredited Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Horsemanship, the only one in the nation. This unique academic and horsemanship program has caught the attention of students, riders and practitioners throughout the U.S., and those in other parts of the world, which, in turn, has created a significant demand for the Program. As a result of this great success, until recently, UMW had to turn away many qualified students because the facility and staff could not accommodate an increasing number of students. Today, that academic landscape is changing and as we build and grow, we are able to welcome more students from near and far. This means, however, that we need to continue to expand our horsemanship and academic facilities and our staffing. It is an exciting time as we now look forward to the future and we welcome support.
Several years after the Natural Horsemanship degree was added to the UMW curriculum, the Montana Center for Horsemanship and UMW, found themselves in the position to make another significant contribution to the Natural Horsemanship world and Montana’s culture as a whole. In addition to advancing the mission of MCH and supporting our community, we shared a vision to develop the Montana Center for Horsemanship into one of the nation's leading equine education centers - a destination venue for conferences, symposiums, workshops, clinics and a host of other events - our goal was and is to be a leader in teaching, training, and research, attracting visitors, scholars, students, researchers, horsemen and horsewomen, as well as those who simply wanted to learn more about horses, Dillon, Beaverhead County and Montana as a whole.
To achieve this vision, additional programs and initiatives will be developed and the Montana Center for Horsemanship facilities need to expand to accommodate a wide range of activities and individuals. We are actively developing new programs, expanding our facilities, funding additional scholarships, and creating clinics and camps for more learning opportunities.
Based on increasing demand and interest, one of the program additions we recently achieved was a new degree in Natural Horsemanship Instruction. There was a clear need in the equine industry and related fields, for more well-trained graduates in equine studies and a lack of qualified instructors was identified as one of the top five concerns hampering industry growth based on a recent survey of AQHA leadership. Further investment with direct impact is needed to help these current programs and many other valuable initiatives to grow. Please join us in supporting these efforts - they, and you, together, really do make an impact.
The Montana Center for Horsemanship has already begun moving forward to achieve these vital goals, first by developing the new core curriculum for the Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Horsemanship Instruction, and by starting the process to develop the larger infrastructure required to accommodate current and future demand for MCH programs. We are also enhancing our ability to host future complementary activities including conferences, symposiums, special events, clinics and other initiatives that advance and support the mission. Recently, the Montana Center for Horsemanship received a $250,000 donation pledge which requires matching funds. Our goal is to raise three times that pledge to complete most of the necessary components of expansion. We hope that individuals - donors, as well as foundations, corporations and businesses - will join us in meeting this match. It will make a world of difference for the future of Natural Horsemanship, education, the local and regional economy and the future of agriculture, research and new initiatives in the horse-human partnership.

To accomplish these goals and fulfill the vision, the not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) Montana Center for Horsemanship has identified the following areas of fundraising needed:
· Infrastructure:
· Scholarships
· Endowed Equine Chair
To learn how your gift can be structured, the various donation options, naming opportunities, and how you can become involved, please click here.
We have many giving opportunities and many levels of support, all of which come with meaningful benefits, recognition and naming.
As we like to say about this campaign effort - our view is local; our vision is global. Please join us making a real difference in the future of horses, humans and natural horsemanship.